Public Reporting

This section describes the public reporting of  CAHPS Hospice Survey results on the Care Compare tool on ( All currently active hospices are reported on the Care Compare tool and in the accompanying downloadable database.

CAHPS Hospice Survey measure scores are calculated across eight rolling quarters and are published quarterly for all hospices with 30 or more completed surveys over the reporting period. Information describing the calculation of CAHPS Hospice Survey scores and the case-mix adjustment methods for the CAHPS Hospice Survey measures is available here.

Beginning with the August 2022 refresh of Care Compare, a Family Caregiver Survey Rating summary Star Rating will be publicly reported for all hospices with 75 or more completed surveys over the reporting period. Star Ratings will be updated every other quarter. Information describing the calculation of CAHPS Hospice Survey Star Ratings is available here.

Reporting Periods
(Dates of Death)
Preview Period
Care Compare Tool
Refresh Dates
Q3 2021 – Q2 2023 February/March 2024 May 2024
Q4 2021 – Q3 2023 May/June 2024 August 2024
Q1 2022  – Q4 2023 August/September 2024 November 2024
Q2 2022 – Q1 2024  November/December 2024 February 2025


Only CAHPS Hospice Survey measure scores calculated by CMS are official results. This section provides the information necessary for survey vendors and hospices to closely replicate scores calculated by CMS.

[Learn More]

In the FY 2022 Hospice Final Rule, CMS finalized public reporting of CAHPS Hospice Survey Star Ratings. Beginning with the August 2022 refresh of Care Compare, a Family Caregiver Survey Rating summary Star Rating will be publicly reported for all hospices with 75 or more completed surveys over the reporting period. Star Ratings will be updated every other quarter.

[Learn More]


Care Compare
All currently active hospices have their CAHPS Hospice Survey results reported on the Care Compare tool on

Provider Preview Reports
Hospices can access their provider preview reports prior to the release of data on Care Compare. Instructions on accessing the reports are available here.